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Maine Area Public Relations needs assistance to get the word out about NA to help addicts. Please join us to post flyers with the helpline number to let addicts know there is hope.
This date is rescheduled from the Jan. 20th date due to the snow storm!
Floor B2, Lower Auditorium
Potluck starting at 2:00 pm with speakers from 3-6 pm. This is a fundraising event for the Miracle Convention. This is a potluck. There is $5 suggested donation. Parking is available.
We are hanging flyers for the Public Relations subcommittee. We are meeting at the McDonald’s and breaking into teams to hang flyers around town.
Come join the Eastern Maine Activities Committee for a day of fellowshipping and fun in the sun!
Please bring a dish or snacks if you are able to. Drinks will be available to purchase.
Come early or stay late, some of us will be hanging out all day!
Bring you boats, fishing poles and swim suits!
Hot wings challenge, potato salad cookoff and potato races!
Each home group is encouraged to sponsor members to participate in the hot wings challenge and to make a potato salad to be entered into our cookoff.
$20 per member to participate in the Hot Wings Challenge
$10 per basket of not-so-hot wings and potato salad
Refreshments will be available for purchase
Event will kick off at 3pm. We will wrap up in time for the Most Powerful Vehicle group meeting at 7pm.
Please contact Sam A at 735-3289 to register for the challenge and cookoff. Please preregister as we will be preparing the wings at another location!
Retreat Package Includes:
• 2 nights cabin lodging. Please bring your own linens and pillows.
• Meals from Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast.
• Snacks, recovery, fellowship, friends, bonfires, fun & beach access.
$100 Early Registration (Before 8/17/2019)
$120 On Arrival Registration
$75 Camping with Meals Included
$20 Day Package +$8 Per Meal
Times Are Rough (TAR) – Any additional funds donated to this fund will help assist those who need financial assistance to be able to attend this event.
Directions from Machias Maine: Drive North on Route 1, turn left onto 191 North, exactly one mile after crossing bridge, turn right onto Campground Road. Follow Campground Road straight in to the retreat sight.
Please fill out the bottom information on the flyer and send it with check or money order made to:
Eastern Maine Area Activities Committee, P.O. Box 3533, Brewer, ME 04412
Retreat packages may be available for those needing financial assistance.
Contact Jeremy Q at (207) 504-2820 for more information.