Starting an NA Meeting

The task of starting a meeting should not be taken lightly. You are adding a resource that addicts will count on to stop the use of drugs, stay stopped, and maintain their drug free life. The Narcotics Anonymous program has a proven history in overcoming addiction with the promise of a new way of life. Our focus here is to facilitate and help the process of creating a new NA group.

First: Preparation is the foundation. A new group needs a commitment of two or more NA members willing to prioritize their time to include a new meeting by attending consistently while following the Twelve Traditions of NA. Remember that it may take six months or a year of consistent effort for a group to really get going. Be sure you’re willing to stick it out.

Second: Choose a location that will encourage a recovery community and accept a small donation to help pay for utilities and other expenses. Churches and community buildings are a good place to begin inquiries. Be careful not to associate NA with other organizations such as treatment centers where the anonymity may be confusing to the public at large.

Third: Asking for help at other NA meetings and at NA Area Service Committee (ASC) meetings will help with startup materials and support for beginning a new meeting.  There are two ASCs that cover the state of Maine. Maine Area Service Committee and Eastern Maine Area Service Committee . For the time and place of  ASC’s please see the Event Calendar.  ASCs are the place to find answers to specific questions and concerns.

Fourth: Information and help is also available from NA World Services (NAWS). It has a page on starting an NA meeting.