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Keepers of Change Group of NA is hosting 2nd Annual Fall Festivity Sack Races 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
NA Recovery Meeting 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
3pm-10pm Fellowship: games and river activities
7pm Meeting and Bon fire
If rain event is cancelled.
Bring chair, picnic dinner and games
7th Tradition donation accepted for Miracle Convention
Any questions call Guy at 207-468-5160
6pm-7pm Fellowship
7pm Meeting and Bon fire
8:00 pm – 10:00 PM Fellowship
If rain event is cancelled.
Please bring your own chair, warm blankets, and flashlight
7th Tradition donations accepted for Maine Area
Any questions call Guy at 207-468-5160
Hosted by One of Us Group
Join us ringing in the New Year at PRCC!
Meeting starting at 8:30 PM, followed by the Dance, Food and Fellowship.
Please feel free to bring food Potluck “Fare to Share”.
Suggested Donation of $ 5 – $ 10.
Hosted by the No Name Group
flyer: NA-New-Years-Dance-2023