To print a PDF of events, select Agenda view, click the printer icon, and choose print to PDF.
6pm-7pm Fellowship
7pm Meeting and Bon fire
8:00 pm – 10:00 PM Fellowship
If rain event is cancelled.
Please bring your own chair, warm blankets, and flashlight
7th Tradition donations accepted for Maine Area
Any questions call Guy at 207-468-5160
Zoom Id: 932-045-898 no password
Zoom Id: 893-7343-8805 no password
Portland Recovery Community Center
102 Bishop Street
Portland, ME
Anyone vaccinated need not wear a mask, others please do (per PRCC)
Literature sales 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Zoom ID: 896-4245-3855
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89642453855# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,89642453855# US (New York)
11:00 AM -1:00 pm Pacific
4 December 2021
Zoom Web Meeting ID: 816 9027 7423
Hybrid meeting. Zoom ID: 837-9355-0836 No password